Time of Your Life Club® A full range of free and special services for customers age 50 or better. Current TOYL Club Events and Happenings - Visit the Bulletin Board at our portal page.
Kids Club for Savings Kids can save money and have fun. Current Kids Club Events and Happenings - Visit the Bulletin Board at our portal page.
 By the time you reach age 50, you've earned the right to a few privileges. This special program of free financial services, social activities and more is designed especially for Hemlock Federal customers age 50 or better. The Club really gives you more for your money with the kind of service and attention that makes you feel comfortable and important. As a Time of Your Life Club member, you have the advantage of enjoying a variety of benefits all designed with your special lifestyle in mind.
 With Time of Your Life Checking, you get unlimited checkwriting, no monthly maintenance fee and your first order of 200 Club checks is FREE. For the low $250 minimum balance, you also earn interest and receive lots of extras when you have Direct Deposit or Automatic Withdrawal of your mortgage payment.
 With FREE Direct Deposit, your Social Security or other regular payments are safely deposited directly to your Hemlock Federal checking or savings account. No more special trips to the bank or waiting in line. And when you sign up for Direct Deposit, you receive special bonuses and discounts on products and services.
  Enjoy group travel to places as close to home as Indiana or as far away as Europe. We'll let you know about specific destinations and dates offered.
 Come with us on day trips to interesting local spots and enjoy social activities, events and seminars planned just for club members.

Use your Hemlock Federal ATM/Check card instead of checks anywhere you see the MasterCard® logo. There's no need to write a check or hassle with identification. Your card is welcomed at millions of places where personal checks are not. Your purchase will be deducted directly from your checking account and will be listed on your monthly statement free of charge. And when you do need cash, you can always use your card to get it 24 hours a day, at thousands of ATMs throughout Chicagoland and around the world.
 To check on your direct deposits, recent withdrawals, checks that have cleared and much more, just phone Penny. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Penny is available to answer many of your banking questions. Call Penny, free of charge at , or .
 Club members enjoy a substantial discount on the purchase price of a dining and entertainment book. See a Personal Banker for details.
 Club members who maintain $10,000 or more in deposits are eligible for a 50% discount on new or renewing safe deposit box rentals (one per household please; subject to availability). For deposits under $10,000, club members receive a 20% discount.
 As a member, you'll receive a FREE personally registered key chain that assures the return of lost keys.
 You no longer have to pay for those frequently needed banking services. Money orders, cashier's and certified checks, utility bill payments, traveler's checks, notary service and photocopies are yours for the asking...all FREE of service fees.
 You simply need to be age 50 or older and have a combined account balance of only $2500 at Hemlock Federal. You may already qualify! If you need further help or information about signing up or opening a qualifying account, visit any Hemlock Federal office. A Personal Banker will be glad to explain all our investment plans.
Rates are subject to change at any time without notice. Minimum balance must be maintained to avoid applicable fee and earn interest. Account disclosures containing full information on terms, fees and rates are available upon request. If you would like further information about any of these products, please see a Personal Banker at the office nearest you or Contact Us. Let us know how we can help you.
 Hemlock Federal's Kids Club for Savings is our special club just for kids. It's a great way for children to learn about money, and the value of saving and handling it responsibly. As a club member, your child will develop strong saving habits to help handle money throughout youth and adulthood. Club activities are most appropriate for children age 5 to 12 years, but everyone is welcome to join the fun!

Whether it's allowance money, birthday checks, or coins from the piggy bank, we'll encourage club members to make deposits to their accounts. They'll know that their savings will grow with interest, and that they can build bigger balances for important goals. Club members get special gifts or treats whenever they make deposits and when they reach savings goals.
  Learning about money and saving it are important for kids, but so is having fun. We want them to be involved, have a good time, and really like being part of the Club. As members, they will receive invitations, mailed directly to them, to attend club parties and special events. And when you bring club members to our office, they can enjoy the Kids Corner, a special area in our lobby, especially for kids.
 Becoming a club member is easy. A $10 deposit to a new Kids Savings account is all it takes. The account pays interest, and savings are FDIC insured. There are absolutely no membership fees. If you need further help or information about opening a qualifying account, visit any Hemlock Federal office. A Personal Banker will be glad to help you.
Rates are subject to change at any time without notice. Account disclosures containing information on terms, fees and rates are available upon request. If you would like further information about any of these products, please see a Personal Banker at the office nearest you or Contact Us. Let us know how we can help you.